Position: IT
Years with Prudent Engineering: 1
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from SUNY Binghamton, graduating class of 2021
1 year as a Software Developer for Lockheed Martin
Programming/coding, automation, tech support, research and self-education
Notable Initiatives or Achievements:
Played a major role in the company’s switch to an entirely new email system. Accessed most of the office machines (often remotely) to set up the switch, researched the specifics of what would happen during and after the migration, and created a presentation to inform the company about what to expect.
Approach to IT:
IT is a multifaceted field. Under the hood, we are responsible for the upkeep, safety, and security of all company technology and data. Equally as important, however, is the satisfaction and comfort of every employee when it comes to technology. IT is largely a customer service role, only for us, our clients are our coworkers. We help ensure everything runs smoothly from a technological perspective, while also offering education opportunities to help users be better prepared for any possible issues that could arise in the future.
Passion for the Field:
Making your computer work for you in the most efficient way possible is a constant goal for me, and I believe it’s my responsibility to hold that same standard to every computer in use by the company. If something’s not working the way it should, I don’t just fix the problem – I figure out the root cause of the issue to make sure it doesn’t happen to anybody else.
Additionally, there are many people out in the world who try to take advantage of people through technology and the internet. From fake emails that steal passwords, to fraudulent tech support agents that take money from stolen bank accounts. I do as much as I can to make sure thieves like this do not infiltrate our network, and I help my fellow coworkers to look for the telltale signs of a scam to make sure they and their data are protected.