Project Type
Bridge & Structural Design
Town of Manlius, Onondaga County, New York
Prudent Engineering performed a full rehabilitation of the bridge’s deficient concrete substructure, bearings, deck, and structural steel.
• Design Report Generation (Phases I-IV)
• Survey and Mapping
• Substructure Rehabilitation
• Bridge Deck Replacement
• Structural Steel Replacement
• Staged WZTC (Work Zone Traffic Control)
• Highway Approach Modifications

The Costello Parkway Bridge was constructed in 1957 to cross the far eastern end of the CSX rail yard. The bridge has three simple spans—each composed of six steel girders with a concrete deck—and has a curb-to-curb width measuring 36 feet (two 12-foot travel lanes and two 6-foot shoulders) with an overall width of 41.33 feet.
To repair the bridge’s deficient concrete substructure, bearings, deck, deck joints and structural steel, Prudent Engineering was retained to perform a full rehabilitation. The resulting project successfully addressed these structural defects, providing a safe crossing over the CSK Railroad.
The project was progressed by Onondaga County in coordination with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project was designated as a Class II, Categorical Exclusion with Documentation in accordance with the FHWA’s regulations 23 CFR 771.117 (d), with Onondaga County serving as lead agency for NEPA.
Prudent’s scope of work encompassed rehabilitating the deteriorated substructure elements and replacing the bearings, end diaphragms, pedestals and deck joints, in addition to performing bridge deck removal. The structural steel framing was cleaned and painted, and the deteriorated concrete on the substructure elements was removed and replaced with Class A concrete; Prudent’s team used a Class A containment system to clean and repaint the steel features. Additionally, the outmoded bearings were replaced with elastomeric-type bearings, and the end diaphragms, connection plates and bolts were removed and replaced with new diaphragms and connection elements. In addition to these improvements, Prudent installed a new 9.5-inch bridge deck.
Prudent completed this scope of work utilizing a staged construction approach due to the bridge’s multi-girder configuration. An on-site detour consisting of a temporary single lane with signalization was implemented, which required two construction stages that stopped traffic from one direction while opposing traffic crossed the bridge. Prudent identified utilities and promptly notified the associated owners of the project.
The project also involved the elimination of a pier joint and the installation of new armorless deck joints. Minor reconstruction of the roadway sections of both approaches was necessary and required minimal vertical alignment changes.