• Project Type

    Land Surveying

  • Date


  • Location

    Elizabethtown, NY

  • Role

    The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) ordered the completion of inspections and engineering assessments on a number of NYSDEC owned dams across the State.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“NYSDEC”) ordered the completion of inspections and engineering assessments on a number of NYSDEC-owned dams across the State. Dam safety regulations require that data to be gathered, which will help determine if there are needed repairs, improvements, or capacity upgrades to the dams. Tasks conducted by Prudent Engineering on the dams include:

- Surveying the topography at the dam, both upstream and downstream of the dam
- Obtaining locations and elevations of structures/homes near or downstream of the dam
- Photo-documenting structures/homes in proximity of the downstream area
- Collecting survey points at the bridge, along each cross-section, and at the dam
- Establishing remote benchmark elevations to control data collected, ensuring all structure elevations were on the appropriate datum
- Establishing horizontal and vertical control at the dam