Project Type
Bridge & Structural Condition Inspection
April 2023
NYSDOT Regions 3 & 7

Fee: $772.7K
Prudent’s condition inspection crews were responsible for conducting biennial and interim inspection of structures in New York State Regions 3 and 7. In the 2022 inspection year, Prudent’s field teams inspected 144 locally and state-owned bridges in Region 3 as well as 41 bridge structures throughout Region 7.
Equipped with inspection technology and reporting software, Prudent’s teams were responsible for field inspection, quality control of evaluated structures, and for flagging structurally deficient bridges that required corrective maintenance. Particular inspection concerns included documenting evidence of corrosion, rust, cracks and fissures, concrete deterioration, and other defects compromising the safety and structural well-being of bridges. After assessing bridge elements, inspection personnel assigned the inspected structures individual condition ratings based on American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards.
Prudent’s staff provided overall project management and quality control (QC) and has procured and administered work zone traffic control (WZTC) and special access subcontracts, Project responsibilities additionally included recording and reviewing flags; working with regional staff and bridge owners to resolve flags; performing Level I and II load ratings; coordinating QC submissions for inspected bridges; maintaining information in the NYSDOT bridge database BDIS; preparing cost projections, budgets, and monthly cost control reports; and monitoring the project to ensure inspection operations are progressed on schedule and within budget.